A translaten, the BF series of OddWritings, a new L2 blockchain. That and much much more in this issue of the Onchain Poetry Digest. Enjoy.
We're birdwatching and contemplating change in this issue #215 of your weekly poetry shot.
A poem on paper. Want to receive this postcard in your mailbox? I will raffle it to Trpplrs, the subscribers of my Hypersub.
In this issue #214 of your weekly poetry shot, we celebrate the poet of the month.
A Monthly Dive into the Riffs of Onchain Poetry: Embrace Creativity and Collecture.
We are searching for our Rome in this issue #213 of your weekly poetry shot
We're exploring the vision of trpplffct and how it helps moving us forward in the metaverse.
In this issue #212 of your weekly poetry shot we find things to be proud of.
More poetry, more chains, welcome the a new list of freshly minted onchain poetry
We're wondering about the beauty of seasons changing in issue 211 of you weekly poetry shot.